Strawberry Mochi Recipe

If you like mochi, the sweet, gooey, chewy texture, and love strawberries, this recipe is for you. This will be the treat of chewy rice dough combined with soft creamy strawberry filling, forming a dessert you simply cannot skip. Keep following this step-by-step guide to make your very own strawberry mochi at home.

Strawberry Mochi Ingredients

Essential Ingredients

  • 100g Glutinous Rice Flour: The main ingredient for the chewy mochi texture
  • 30g Corn Starch: Helps the elasticity of dough and against adhesion
  • 35g Sugar: To make the dough sweet
  • 180ml Milk: To make the dough moist and smooth
  • 2-3 drops Strawberry Food Color: This will give the Mochi a cute pink color
  • 15g Butter: The dough will be more rich-tasting

Filling Ingredients

  • 150ml Non-Dairy Whipping Cream: For a light and airy filling
  • 50ml Dairy Whipping Cream: For richness and creaminess
  • 1-2 tbsp Condensed Milk: To adjust sweetness levels in the filling
  • 3 tbsp Strawberry Puree: For giving the strawberry flavor to the filling

Step-by-Step Instructions

How to Make Mochi Dough

Step 1: Mixing Ingredients

  • Combine Dry and Wet Ingredients: In a microwavable bowl, add the glutinous rice flour, corn starch, sugar, milk, and strawberry food color. Mix the contents until everything has dissolved properly.

Step 2: Steam the Dough

  • Microwave Steam: Wrap the bowl with plastic and put it in the microwave for 20 minutes. The dough should become transparent.

Adding Butter and Kneading

Step 3: Incorporate Butter

  • Add butter: Add butter to the steamed dough and mix well.

Step 4: Knead the Dough

  • Knead: Afterward, knead the dough until it becomes smooth and stretchy. Allow it to cool down for about 45 minutes.
Knead the Dough for Strawberry Mochi

Preparing Filling

Step 5: Whip the Creams

  • Combine Creams: Combine all creams in a mixing bowl – nondairy whipping, dairy whipping, condensed milk, and strawberry puree.
  • Whip to Stiff Peaks: Whip to Stiff Peaks using a hand mixer.

Flatten the Dough

Step 6: Flatten the Dough

  • Floured Working Surface: Dredge your work surface and the mochi dough lightly with cooked glutinous rice flour or cornstarch.
  • Flatten the Dough: Flatten the dough to round shapes.
 Flatten the Dough

Filling and Seal

Step 7: Filling Piping

  • Filling: Using a piping bag, fill the center of every mochi wrapper with the whipped cream mixture.
Filling Piping

Step 8: Press Corners and Seal

  • Pinch and Seal: Pinch all four corners of the mochi skin towards the center, then pinch the remaining corners to seal the mochi.

Final Finishings

Step 9: Tap Off Excess Moisten

  • Tap with Flour: Tap the underside of each mochi with cooked glutinous rice flour or cornstarch to tap off excess moisture.
  • Brush off Excess: Lightly brush the gathered mochi from all sides to remove any extra flour.

Serve the Strawberry Mochi

Step 10: Enjoy Your Treat

  • Serve: Your delicious strawberry mochi is now ready! Serve it as a delicacy for desserts or snacks.

Professional Tips for Making Perfect Strawberry Mochi

Choosing Quality Ingredients

  • Glutinous Rice Flour: Select the glutinous rice flour of good quality for the perfect texture.
  • Strawberry Puree: Fresh strawberry puree will impart the best taste.
Glutinous Rice Flour for Strawberry Mochi

Mixing Techniques

  • Even Mixing: Dissolve all of the ingredients very well before being microwaved to avoid any lumps.
  • Controlled Kneading: Knead the dough to just the right consistency to be chewy when cooked.

Filling Techniques

  • Glossy and Stiff: When whipping the cream, beat it to stiff peaks, preventing the filling from running out.
  • Well-Defined Pipe: To fill cleanly and evenly, use a piping bag.

Variations to Try

Different Fillings

  • Chocolate Filling: Take out the strawberry puree and swap it with chocolate ganache for a flavor change.
  • Matcha Filling: Alternate using matcha powder in the filling for a twist of different green tea flavors.

Color Variations

  • Natural Food Coloring: You can use beets or any other juices or veggies to get natural food coloring.
Natural Food Coloring

Health Benefits of Strawberry Mochi

Nutritional Value

  • Low Caloric Content: Mochi is not a high-caloric food, meaning you can eat without inhibitions.
  • Protein Content: the whipping cream accounts for some of that protein in dessert.

Digestive Support

  • Glutinous Rice Flour: It is easy to digest and thus is gentle on the stomach.

Storage and Preservation


  • Room Temperature: Put any unused mochi in an air-tight container at room temperature for up to a day.
  • Refrigeration: For storage for up to three days, keep in the refrigerator.


  • Freezing: Freeze each piece individually with plastic wrap and in a freezer-safe bag.
  • Thaw: The mochi may be thawed by standing at room temperature or, for softer textures, by quickly microwaving until warm and smooth.


Making Strawberry Mochi at home is a delicious and rewarding experience. Your friends will be intrigued by this utterly palatable treat made of chewy Mochi and creamy strawberry. It’s too filling and impossible to resist any taste for desserts. Follow this simple recipe and enjoy this incredibly sweet, fruity-flavored creation right from your kitchen.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q1. Can I Use Another Type of Flour? A: No, it’s needed to bring out the chewy texture of mochi.

Q3. How do I make the mochi dough without a microwave? A: You can steam the dough using the stovetop method.

Q3. Can I use a different kind of milk? A: Any kind of non-dairy milk can be used in this recipe.

Q4. How do I store leftover mochi? A: Store leftovers in an airtight container at room temperature for up to a day or in the refrigerator for up to three days.

Q5. Is it possible to add other flavors to the filling? A: Yes, you can experiment with different fruit purees or flavorings for the filling.

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